Flex: Kompletne rozwiązania dla Renault Zoe
Wydano wersję Magicmotorsport z zaangażowaniem kontynuuje ekspansję w sektorze pojazdów elektrycznych dzięki najnowszej wersji Flex. Wersja 6.12.0 zapewnia pełny dostęp do VCU EMS3180 znajdującego się w Renault Zoe do 2019 roku. Tryby programowania dostępne dla tej jednostki sterującej pojazdu to Full OBD oraz Boot z pełnym dostępem do pamięci flash i EEPROM. Mechatronicy mogą
Magicmotorsport acquisisce Byteshooter

Magicmotorsport acquire ByteShooter

A new legacy for the chip tuning tool Magicmotorspor welcome ByteShooter in its group! The famous German brand was acquired in recent months by the Italian company, a leader in the international automotive sector. The acquisition fits into our strategy to upgrade market position and gain other skills. Available in the Master, Half-master and Slave
Nuove soluzioni DTC

StageX monthly DTCs update

Next ME17.1 and ME17.5 DTC Removal algorithms As promised month after month the list of DTCs fix grows constantly. This update allows you to easily remove DTCs on variety of new ECUs such as ME17.1.1 for 6.75 Bi-Turbo engine, ME17.1.6 for 6.0 Bi-Turbo, ME17.5 for 1.6 MPI & 2.5 MPI engines, ME17.5.2, ME17.5.20 & ME17.5.24 for 1.0 MPI and ME17.5.22 for 1.6MPI engines, which complements and complete

More than 90% of ALL Diesel ECUs coverage

StageX new mappacks update covers more than 60 new ECUs As we promised, this update comes with a Bang! With this version of StageX you have access to complete and precise mappacks for over than 36 DENSO control units like for eg. Mazda SHY, SHT, SHS, SHM, SHJ, SHH, SHF, SHD, SHB, SHA, SH7, SH6, SH5, SH4, SH3, SH2,