MAGPro2 line upgrade to FLEX
Cher client, MAGICMOTORSPORT par la présente, annonce l’arrêt de la production de la ligne MAGPro2. MMS ne produira plus X17, un programmeur pour ECU et TCU qui a fait sa marque dans l’histoire du chiptuning. MAGPro2 a été remplacé par FLEX, l’outil de marque MMS qui est en train de révolutionner le secteur automobile avec
Festa dell’Epifania chiusura aziendale

MMS celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany

MMS celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany January 6th, 2020 The MAGICMOTORSPORT offices will remain closed on Monday January 6th, 2020 in observation of the Italian holiday of the Epiphany. We will resume our regular working hours on Tuesday January 7th, 2020. We’ll be right back!
MAGICMOTORSPORT protegge il tuo lavoro con MAGIC Lock
MAGICMOTORSPORT protects your work! With FLEX version we offer you the chance to use an exclusive service completely free of charge: MAGIC Lock denies access to the files inside the ECUs to everybody who is not authorized. From today MEDC17, Simos 12 and Simos 18, after MAGIC Lock, may have their password reading function
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Happy Holidays from MAGICMOTORSPORT

Happy Holidays from MAGICMOTORSPORT! We’ll be back on January 2nd 2020 MAGICMOTORSPORT will take a short vacation! From December 24, 2019 to January 1, 2020, the MMS Italian offices will remain closed for the Christmas holidays. The year 2019 at MAGICMOTORSPORT was a year of transformation … the company has grown to become an SRL
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