Magicmotorsport confirms Industry 4.0 conformance
Magicmotorsport has operated since its inception with the goal of developing automotive software solutions that make mechatronics work faster, safer, and more efficient. So it seems only natural that Magicmotorsport should be integrated into the fourth industrial revolution, otherwise known as Industry 4.0.
The goal of Industry 4.0 is to bring automation and smart technologies to traditional industrial practices. With particular attention to new digital technologies that fall within the four integral design principles.
The ability of machines, devices, sensors, and people to connect and communicate with each other through the Internet of Things, or the Internet of People (IoP).
Transparency of Information
The transparency offered by Industry 4.0 technology provides operators with complete information to inform decisions. Interconnectivity allows operators to collect immense amounts of data and information from all points of the production process, and then identify key areas that can benefit from improvement and achieve increased functionality.
Technical Assistance
The technological structure of systems to assist man in decision making and problem solving; and the ability to help man in difficult or unsafe tasks.
Decentralized Decisions
The ability of physical cyber systems to make decisions on their own and perform their tasks as autonomously as possible. Tasks are only delegated to higher level in extreme situations involving interference or conflicting objectives.
DynoRoad Technical Innovations
Magicmotorsport’s DynoRoad measuring instrument was born from the idea of creating a versatile instrument designed to facilitate and speed up work in mechatronic workshops. Its innovative technological features are
- Take advantage of a BLE module that allows you to connect mobile devices, in the specific case smartphone / tablet, to the system thus facilitating the transmission of the acquired data and making communication between the devices effective, reliable, and safe.
- Use a specific sensor as a measurement tool to obtain the engine power and torque values. The results of which are immediately visible to the operator and available for use via an intuitive user interface.
- Allow the operator to access the platform available on the official Magicmotorsport website from any web browser to check previous measurements.
- Integrate with company information systems through open interfaces;
In addition, from a process point of view, DynoRoad has been designed to enable
mechatronic professionals and enthusiasts to approach the preparation and development of a car with significantly reduced costs.
DynoRoad Components
- Hardware DynoRoad;
- Software installed on the end customer’s mobile device;
- Web-based software accessible via credentials from the Magicmotorsport website where the user can access the “analysis” section, and then the list of vehicles with their results.
- Servizi software “gestiti” ero“Managed” software services provided by the Magicmotorsport Data Farm (back-end).
DynoRoad is an excellent example of “…devices for man-machine interaction and for the improvement of ergonomics and workplace safety under 4.0 guidelines” as it is a versatile tool designed to facilitate and speed up work in mechatronic workshops.
DynoRoad is in fact dedicated to the world of mechatronics allowing one to obtain accurate engine power and torque measurements. This process is greatly simplified via the use of an intuitive user interface and the support of Magicmotorsport back-end software services and tools; tools made available to the end customer (Help Desk), whose access is via a reserved area.
The innovation of DynoRoad
Magicmotorsport adheres to the transition plan 4.0 to offer its customers access to innovations related to the fourth industrial revolution. Thanks to its production and technological characteristics, DynoRoad is part of the “…devices for man-machine interaction and for the improvement of ergonomics and safety at work in Industry 4.0 guidelines.”
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