Flex ver released
miércoles, 10 abril 2019
por admin
Flex ver released: Solutions for EDC17CP50, MED17.9.7, MED17.7.7 With FLEX you no longer open the engine control unit: new protocols to work on the bench on Tricore Bosch ECUs. Today our supported vehicle list increases in size, as we added Mercedes MY2018/2019 (MED17.7.7), Jaguar & Land Rover with 2.0 Turbo engine (MED17.9.7) and Honda
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flex released
FLEX release – OBD MEDC17 Mercedes is now available
jueves, 21 marzo 2019
por admin
FLEX release ver. – OBD MEDC17 Mercedes is now available This OBD protocol has been improved since its first appearance in MAGPro2 x17 thanks to the advanced hardware of FLEX. We have also added new protocols to work by bench and Bootloader on Tricore processors! Coming up next: Renesas… New Protocols added: Alfa Romeo Bosch
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Flex release
Flex ver released
miércoles, 06 marzo 2019
por admin
FLEX release is out, alongside FLEX’s first batch of OBD protocols! MAGICMOTORSPORT is proud to announce that from today Flex can officially be used via OBD on BMW and VAG MEDC17, respectively by ENET and OBD cables connected to the tool. Thanks to Flex interfacing system, it is NO longer needed (as with X17
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FLEX release
miércoles, 20 febrero 2019
por admin
FLEX release includes new protocols and big news: Your subs have run out? FLEX keeps working! MAGICMOTORSPORT has implemented a new licensing system that allows you to use the BDM MPC5xx and Toyota AUD76F00XX protocols offline. To have access to these protocols, you will not need an internet connection: you must simply log in to
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FLEX is available in SLAVE version
martes, 19 febrero 2019
por admin
Now all MAGPro2 X17 users can upgrade to FLEX. MAGPro2 X17 SLAVE customers can also request to upgrade to FLEX at the special price of 195€ + shipping fees (VAT excluded). Request your upgrade here. CHOOSE THE FUTURE, CHOOSE MAGICMOTORSPORT
- Publicado en Flex Actualizaciones, Info and Communication
Flex release ver.
lunes, 17 diciembre 2018
por admin
As every year, our Christmas release is here! This time Santa brought you huge updates for both your favourites tools. Here are all the new opportunities you can take advantage of with new Flex release, ver 2.2.00, codenamed H.0.0.H.0.0.H.0.0! Santa granted us this special codename due to our efforts into doing another favour for the
- Publicado en Flex Actualizaciones
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Flex release