New headquarter MAGICMOTORSPORT Italy
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
by admin
Dear Client, We would like to kindly inform you that because of the move to our new headquarter the spedition address to use is now the following one: MAGICMOTORSPORT Contrada Agliandroni 10 90049 Terrasini ITALY Szanowni Klienci, W zwiazku ze zmiana siedziby firmy nastapila zmiana adresu wysylkowego: MAGICMOTORSPORT Contrada Agliandroni 10 90049 Terrasini ITALY
- Published in Info and Communication
VAG Continental Simos PCR 2.1 developed 100%
Saturday, 14 July 2012
by admin
Developed 100%: VAG Continental Simos PCR 2.1 AUDI A3 1,6 TDi 66 kW A3 1,6 TDi 77 kW SKODA Fabia 55/66/77 kW Octavia 1,6 TDi 77 kW Octavia 1,6 TDi 77 kW GreenLine Superb 1,6 TDi 77 kW Yeti 1,6 TDi 77 kW SEAT Altea 1,6 TDi 77 kW Ecomotive Altea XL 1,6 TDi 77
- Published in Info and Communication
DPF OFF services – update july 2012
Thursday, 05 July 2012
by admin
New free services available by helpdesk for MAGpro2 tools users: update 07-2012 addedDPF OFF: LAND ROVER Bosch EDC16C39 MITSUBISHI Bosch EDC16U31 FORD Bosch EDC16C34 (more versions supported) added EGR OFF: MITSUBISHI Bosch EDC16C39 LAND ROVER Bosch EDC16C39 NISSAN DELPHI Whole list available here: Attention! This solution is available only for competition use
- Published in Info and Communication
New Helpdesk System BETA
Thursday, 14 June 2012
by admin
New Helpdesk system is ready for BETA tests. Customers interested to participate in BETA please send email to (max 50 customers will be accepted to participate in BETA tests).
- Published in Info and Communication
New vehicles/services lists available
Thursday, 14 June 2012
by admin
Available new listing script Available infos: -tool model connection type: OBD/BOOTLOADER/Breakbox/JTAG/BDM -type: car/bike/tractor/truck -ECU model incl MCU type, memories etc -functions: READ/WRITE/CHECKSUMM -services available: DPF OFF/IMMO OFF/MOD/HOT START with prices of services
- Published in Info and Communication
Drivers Windows 7 32 & 64 bit for MAGPro2 BASE OBD relased
Saturday, 21 April 2012
by admin
Now our customers can install software MAGpro2 BASE OBD also on Windows 7 64 bit. Download drivers package here (need login to Helpdesk)
- Published in Info and Communication